Atlanta Mission
Transforming through Christ the lives of those facing homeless.
OHS Grant:
$70,000 to support the renovation of six Choose Help dorm rooms at My Sister's House, our overnight shelter for women and children, with new beds, bedding, storage and other items.
No Longer Bound
To rescue addicts, regenerate men and reconcile families by facilitating intimacy with God, self and others.
OHS Grant:
$100,000 to purchase 3 new buses to transport residents to counseling, church and employment, which is critical to the success of our program of helping men break free of the bonds of addiction.
Peace Preparatory Academy
To educate the whole child, support the whole family, and provide growth and change opportunities for whole communities in a high-quality, Christ-centered learning environment.
OHS Grant:
$75,000 to purchase curriculum and technology for current and additional grades in order to fully expand elementary school and continue to offer a high quality, Christ-centered education.
Street Grace
To end the demand for domestic minor sex trafficking in Atlanta and beyond as we lead individuals to a more whole and holy life in Christ.
OHS Grant:
$50,000 to create a Youth Education Initiative Online Toolkit that will dramatically expand our ability to protect students from sexual exploitation and trafficking by educating them on how to recognize it, talk about it, report it, and protect themselves and their friends against it.